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Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Little About the Digital Part of My Illustrations

"Starry Stroll With a Red Umbrealla"

Yesterday was tremendously productive. I haven't had a chance to paint as much as I'd like to lately so having the opportunity to paint yesterday was absolutely dreamy.
After painting, I took high resolution photos of my paintings, converted them to black and white, so I could color them using photoshop. Sometimes you can scan paintings, and I do on occassion scan, however, I use highly textured, heavy weight arches 300 lb watercolor paper and the camera pics up the detail wonderfully but somehow doesn't pick up too much of the texture of the paper. This way the whites are more white and I don't have to fiddle with the brightness of the image too much.
After taking the pictures and uploading them to my computer I added small punches of color to them. I'm in love with the look of black and red together. I will definitely be doing more of this style soon. Perhaps even tonight! "Midnight Mending" was just the first of a series of three illustrations featuring a handmade theme so I'm axious to finish out the series.
I'm also thinking about making some gift tags out of the Midnight Mending Print? It's funny how you make something and you latch on to it.

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