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Friday, July 11, 2008

Illustration Friday: Foggy

This weeks topic for Illustration Friday is "Foggy." So I thought the new illustrations I've done may fit in. I've been working to give some of my illustrations a darker, older, worn feel. Similar to the antique style photographs, ttv photographs, and old movies. So here is my submission called "Three Circle the Moon"

"All Hallows Eve is coming soon.
Ushered by three circling the moon!"

Here is another one done in a similar style called "I wait on Every Word":


Unknown said...

I love these! I'm a huge fan of TTV photography and your illustrations look wonderful with that vintage foggy edge!

Haute Goat Cashmere said...

so charming - I wait on every word - been there and can still feel my heart pounding as I check the mailbox!

Connie said...

Love the 'foggy' feel to all of these and the text incorporated into the image. Magical.

Lisa M Griffin said...

What charming and sweet creations. I love your technique and style. Thanks for sharing.

Sónia Cântara said...

What lovely illustrations! I love your characters and technique. Wonderfull work!

jennifergrayolson said...

Adorable. I really enjoy your work.

murphy girl said...

this is very sweet!

mike r baker said...


lil kim said...

You have such sweet illustrations! I really like your work.