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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dear Creativity, where have you been? It's Been Too Long!

In the last year I had to go from being a stay at home mom of two beautiful wee ones, to moving out of my house, to moving back into my house, to working full time, to adjusting to having my kids in day care, and having many long awaited adventures with one's I love more than I can explain. My art space is now semi-functional, with things in bags and boxes, some here some over there, but my creative side just couldn't take it anymore! A favorite spot for spurring on my creative bug has long been

So I took a peek over there for the topic which was fittingly enough "Star Gazing" Couldn't resist. Here's the initial shaded sketch! Halloween is coming and I couldn't resist! The best step of adding color is next. I'm hoping to get that done before heading out to Craft Lake City! Beyond excited for that! I hear they'll be showing Handmade Nation there as well! Sunday, I believe. A GIANT dose of creativity. I'll share pics of that event too! And the ever so sweet and talented Isabell's Umbrella will be there too!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I have been wondering where you had gone off to! I hope all is well. I ask the same questions now; "creativity, where are you?" Glad you're back and of course your painting is magical....